Mathematics is a language. And while the
rules and vocabulary of any language can be learned in the
abstract, in order to become truly fluent those rules and
vocabulary need to be practiced and applied in context; in
application. The goal of the growing library of Math Connections applications is to present specific math topics
in context providing students with the chance to gain fluency.
Learn, for example, about sine curves in the context of seasonal
and climate change in an agricultural setting. Or learn about
correlation as applied to important health issues. And in the
process learn about a variety of graphic tools that can be used to
engage, visualize, and express mathematical concepts and relations
- including crossing curricular bounds into the social studies
with GIS.
Each of the short units listed below provides interactive graphing and mapping tools to
explore the content. In addition, students are encouraged to make
use of graphing calculators or online applications such as Demos.
Social Studies